see that switches one time right then not but i need change c to f cant find setting interface is different box runs fine can do anything others can do with np this is brand new box on market so it could be update too really not any problems with iptv -vods or 4k at all but i like known if there setting to change that want learn all about this box to teach others which i think there will be
Thank you this is fine box run 4k without a hiccup on wireless which that shocked the chit out of me truly live tv and vods and one more button i forgot about show or something like that are fine and 4k with hdr on wireless even says something about the company need a few things to be updated but all and all a fine box like i said interface is different buts thats ok with me took me a little time to get use to box but all run fine has the apps and all the thing you need ran blue tooth keyboard on it with out any problems found all my tv that are on net too but i can say they need a update for the remote needs a little work on that one no big problem but still needs update didnt think this box would be as good as it was being a new box on market but must say they did a great job and i here more things are coming to so all and all i happy with it been watching all 4k stuff with np on wireless which to me is weird