VOD / INFO Ways to pay for your service using Bitcoin (CASH, Credit card or Bank Account)

For all the VOD, beginners info, novice stuff.


Staff member
Sep 26, 2014
Ordering sites:

1. You can use one of the bitcoin providers to pay using VISA or Mastercard (Located in the ordering sites)

We Provide variety of services who sell bitcoin using credit card, however you have to go to your desired ordering site and click the checkout button of each from there, so the correct amount of money to send and fees are set automatically, this will prevent you get overcharged.

IMPORTANT: For verification, which is needed the first time making an order, it is likely that you will have to provide an ID along with a selfie holding it, or just a plain picture of the ID which can be driver license or passport. Verification is really Fast and it will only take a few hours, don't hesitate its only the first time..

2. You can use a Bitcoin ATM Machine (CASH).
A) This is pretty simple and straightforward, you have to go to one of the order sites; then make an order like you would normally do, choose bitcoin, and then after you're in the order page details, where the bitcoin Wallet Hash and the QR CODE is displayed, take a picture of it with your phone.

After that go to
This website above will help you find Bitcoin ATM's worldwide there are many in USA and Canada, Australia, and everywhere.

After you get to the location or mall, and reach the ATM, check this tutorial.. on how to use the ATM.

Remember to use the picture of the QR Code (Bitcoin wallet) you took with your phone at the order details page, this is whats gonna match the money you're going to send to our Wallet with your order..

This is a very easy process, nothing to worry about, its fast and there are many ways to pay.. If you need any help please post in the open forums so we can help everyone, remember also to try to get help on google or youtube, if you don't know how to do something.

B) http://localbitcoins.com/ (Find a seller with a good reputation, to avoid being scammed, we will not be responsible for that).

3. How to pay using your Bank Account and any other form of payment.

In the below website depending on the country you select they will provide you with options on how to buy bitcoins using bank account thru a variety of exchangers.

A) https://www.buybitcoinworldwide.com/

Important information:
1) You're not gonna need a Bitcoin wallet, you'll just need your credit card or cash to buy from us.
2) It is completely anonymous, your identity will never be disclosed neither your payment details.
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