Vpn o tv OnLive 4

download the app ipvanish apk are cyberghost then copy ipvanish apk are cyberghost to a usb stick then go to tvonline4 plug it in to a usb port then go kodi then programs andriod apps then go to app installer it will be on the usb flash install it from there
I have tried to download apk apps onto the 4K but with no success is it possible that I am doing something wrong or am I using the incorrect file. can anyone assist with this?
read this post ok i sent both in cant see why not to have Netflix i have it on two avov boxes now

and this is c/p
@rudawgg Here is what I did to install some apks in my AVOV TVOnline 4 :

1 - Download the apk of the app that you need from the internet (you can do that directly via the browser or using your PC and a USB drive or memory card, ...), there is a lot of websites to get that or you can copy it from any rooted android device.

2 - After installing kodi, run it, go to "Programs" >> "Android apps" (here you will get all the installed apps in your box) >> "Settings" (here you will get the settings window of android), then "Security and restrictions" then turn "unknown sources" to "on", and "verify apps" and "restricted profile" to "off".

3 - Then back to kodi >> "Programs" >> "Android apps" but this time go to "AppInstaller" (the app which we will use to install apks), then select your source (local disk, memory card, usb drive), the app will search all available apks, then you have just to pick (check it at the right, don't click) the one that you want to install and on the menu at the top right, click "install".
Here is the ways I have tried that have not worked:
1. Google play: doesn't recognize avovTv4 as a device so it won't allow any app downloads.
2. II tried Greg's very good suggestion but that didn't work for me. I have tried 2 different apk files which the avovTV4 installer won't work, it just hangs.
3. In the settings section there is a VPN configuration tool. Aside from being cumbersome to enter information into this tool it keeps saying "No ethernet connection" which I know is false because I can get browser working among other things.

Since avovTV4 is supposed to be an android 5.1 device these problems are perplexing me.

Any feedback would be appreciated.