Urgent News - Add-ons being taken down

Phoenix, one242415, cCloud, SALTS


The complete list of current addons taken down is below. If you want to see for yourself, you can visit the repository of those addons and see that the directories are currently empty. If you try to install the addons in Kodi, you will likely find the same thing.

  • cCloud – Taken down ‘temporarily’ until further notice
  • SALTs – Development is moving on froom tknorris to k3l3vra and k3l3vra will be releasing his own repo soon. Straight from tknorris: For a while now the pace of development of SALTS has slowed as there hasn’t been much to add to it and it works well enough that I don’t have to stay on top of it. Due to that, I’ve kind of lost interest in it. In that time all of you have seen k3l3vra has really stepped up and in the forum and what most of you have not seen, also behind the scenes been helping as well. With someone reliable to take over development and my lack of interest, it’s a signal that it’s time for me to retire from SALTS development. I will continue to work on my other addons like the premiumize addon, urlresolver, and apple trailers and will advise k3l3vra when he asks for it.In a short while, I will push an update to my beta repo that removes all SALTS and 1CH related addons from it. In the coming days look for k3l3vra to release a repo that includes SALTS and 1CH.It’s been a fun ride and while I’m retiring from these addons, I’m not going far and will continue to monitor this ID and these forums.
  • One242415 – The addon is official being shut down forever. Straight from One242415 in his addon: I am removing my addon for good. It was a hell of a ride for me. First starting off with Navi-X, then with Mashup, then with Phoenix, and for two months with my own add-on. Thank you all for supporting One242415!! PS: I will not be back I’m closing down for good! This addon will be closed within a few days
  • Phoenix – The addon is being shut down forever. From Cosmix: In light of current events we have decided to close down phoenix. This is not something that was easy for us to do; we have all formed a bond that cannot be broken as a team and have a HUGE support base that we are thankful of. I can speak for myself when i say thank you to everybody that has ever been involved in phoenix and it will always be one of my fondest memories.
  • All of Echo Coder’s addons – Echo Documentaries, Echo Guide, Sportie, etc – Confirmed on Twitter by Echo.
  • Vortex – From Rockcrusher on Twitter – @DreamWeaver0101 and myself are very saddened to announce that Vortex is now offline and will not be returning. Thanks for your support 🙂
  • UK Turk – On Twitter, he said he wasn’t leaving, but his add-on has been removed from the repo. His message on Twitter: Guys im not going anywhere but sum of u mite have noticed the live stuff has been taken down for the time being until this blows over
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June 4th: Unfortunately, the Zem Kodi addon has been taken offline. Per shani, the popularity of the addon made it hard to keep streams online. This news leaves a big gap in the Kodi live TV space, but we respect shani’s decision.

There is also a 'story' that the developer and tvaddons is being sued by D***


American satellite and broadcast provider Dish Network has filed a lawsuit against Kodi add-on ZemTV and TVAddons.ag, the largest add-on library. The complaint accuses ZemTV of direct copyright infringement of various TV channels. TVAddons is liable for distributing the addon in question, according to the complaint.
A lot of good addons going the way of the do do :(

Curious though why dish is going after an addon when there are multiple companies profiting from there channels where are zem was only taking donations interesting
Updated post #2. Echo repo, Vortex down forever. UK Turks is temporarily down.

It appears most free addons that had live TV links are either being modified to remove, or just closing shop.
I had noticed Origin Repo stopped working a while back......it carried an addon I liked a lot ( Sanctuary) .......It has been rejuvenated by others and is now repository.sanctuary-1.0.0 ..................Great
uk Turk, SALTs, Vortex and Zen have been migrated to new repos. See koditips for more info.

Here are links:

For SALTs, now in the k3l3vra repo

For uk Turk, now in its own repo

For Vortex, now in Rockcrusher repo, via the stream addons repo

Zen is now Elisium, in the noobsandnerds repo
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seen a few more messages today stating that the repo will be gone: EVOLVE is one of them. Stream Army will soon be rebranded to Nemesis,silent hunter is closing the doors,saying "well it's been a great ride. i also remember seeing one that says,we're not going anywhere