tvonline + 4


New member
Nov 24, 2014
I just received my tvonline + 4. I am having problems using the rcu. I need the instructions for the rcu. I can not get the mouse button to work. on thr vox1 and the tvonline + the pointer appears when you press the mouse button. this does not work on the + 4. in the securitybox where you enter the password I cannot tab over to the connect button and the mouse on off button is not working. need help and instructions
I'm having a problem with my rcu also. Seems to have little to no range. Tried different batteries with no change. So I decided to try my tvonline plus rcu and it works great, don't have to hit button 2-3 times for anything to happen.
Guess I'll have to get a RMA for remote.
i just tried my remote click mouse and then any arrow and mouse arrow comes up it did for me oh at 7 ft
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