Timeshift, Recording, EPG


New member
May 26, 2015
yes i do
CaptainK, (or anyone else)

I know you've been testing this unit.

1) Can you tell me if timeshift and recording are working well? Is it as finicky as the T2 in terms of having to use a very short list of compatible chips /drives for timeshift /recording?

2) Is the EPG working well, with full program descriptions, and can you set future recordings from the EPG?

3) Any issues using the box with NFPS? I just renewed 2 subscriptions and I need new boxes to replace my AVOV's.

4) Is WiFi working fine without adding one of the optional external antennas?

On T2 / Formulers if you set timeshift in settings to YES, and have resolution at 1080p, if you watch channels say 25 mins as example, press left on remote then could rewind back that duration.

Think thats what he means.
On T2 / Formulers if you set timeshift in settings to YES, and have resolution at 1080p, if you watch channels say 25 mins as example, press left on remote then could rewind back that duration.

Think thats what he means.

So without timeshifting I can pause live TV
And with timeshifting I can even rewind live TV?

That's really cool.. I didn't know I could do that!
So without timeshifting I can pause live TV
And with timeshifting I can even rewind live TV?

That's really cool.. I didn't know I could do that!

Yes you need external usb or sd card in.
reso needs be 1080p as not supported on 4k yet I don't think.
when in a portal press menu - settings - make sure timeshift is set to ON.
then watch a channel
then after few minutes, press left on remote and you will see seekbar/at bottom and can rewind back to when you started the stream.

Works on all formulers/dreamlinks.