T96N box


New member
Jun 9, 2017
yes i do
Hi All,

I've been using IPTV for a few months now on my old MAG 254 box, i've recently upgraded to a T96N box with stb emu (free version), my HD channels are stuttering and are not running smoothly, my downstream speed is 40Mbps so I can't see it being a speed issue and the tv is UHD so 1080P should be fine, i've played around with the video settings but still no joy. I work for the ISP I am using so I can check my internet is good and check my router settings.

Can anybody share with me any settings so I can try alternatives?

Thanks in advance
For me an iptv box made with stalker middleware is the way to go instead of using an stb emulator
It's totally more stable then the app, a lot of different boxes have issues with using the stb emulator
App just like some of them have problem with Hulu plus, it's best to get a dedicated box for Iptv .
Buddy...I was talking about its better for you to get a new box dedicated to Iptv because not every box work well with stalker. A box with stalker already build in with a dedicated MAC address would be best.
I have used many boxes and the one thing you need to do is turn your acceleration off, it is under System-Video-Acceleration. Try this and see if it does not work for you. And, enjoy the beneifts that a KODI box can give you!