I set up my T3 about a week ago. Everything in the initial setup went well. I used it for a couple of days and everything worked good. I went to the market to get Kodi. The version that was in the market was 18.2 and also two older versions. When I downloaded 18.2 version it actually was 18.0 and also the other two older versions downloaded along with it. I could not uninstall the older versions without uninstalling all three. I went to the Kodi website to get the latest version 18.5. Since there was a option to download to Google play, I did just that. Google play was acting strange so I went back to the market to reinstall the 18.0 version until I could get help here to get the newer version. When the market opened there was nothing there but the "My apps" line that was at the bottom. I also had already lost the "mytvonline2" app and the "software update" app. First I did a iptv reset. Nothing changed. Then I decided to do a factory reset. When it got to the software version (2.0.9) screen, there is an error message under the download bar that read:"update info error" "IPTV info error(network)(-1)". Down below in that panel it reads: Current firmware version:v1.4.46, Current IPTV version: Not installed.
It seems that it is not connecting to the server. I hope someone can help!
It seems that it is not connecting to the server. I hope someone can help!