VOD / INFO [STEP 3] Please Follow, each carefully.

For all the VOD, beginners info, novice stuff.


Staff member
Sep 26, 2014
1. Now i have ordered my donation number/route and my box.
REMEMBER TO CHECK JUNK MAIL before posting here that it never came, please.
------------START INFO---------------------------------------------------------------
Order #: 3394161217062492

Hi User, your 1 Donation(s) has been assigned:

User: [email protected]

IPTV PORTAL: All Available
IKS SERVER: All Available
PORT: All Available
DESKEY: 6103403445406970987123412134

Please use the following Donation(s) as the Username and Password in your Receiver:

No. Username and Password MAC Address
1 9f1mrup0bvxg Add MAC Address

------------ END INFO---------------------------------------------------------------
Don't steal my info please!! lol, jk.

2 - Did you received your box? Not yet. :) will continue the tutorial with images, once it arrives.

------------ START INFO---------------------------------------------------------------
Estimated delivery Saturday, Dec 24, 2016
Mag 256w1 (150Mb/s) Built in WiFi
Item price $117.99
Quantity 1
Item number 272486102217
Shipping service USPS Priority Mail Padded Flat Rate Envelope
------------END INFO---------------------------------------------------------------