VOD / INFO [STEP 2] Go back now!

For all the VOD, beginners info, novice stuff.


Staff member
Sep 26, 2014
1 - OK, What next?
If you're here yet its because you like us so from now on theres no returning point. go ahead and make your first purchase from the official sites, buy one donation or one route (Route, Donation, this is what we call our Plans.) but but do you have a Channel list? yes.

2 - Do you have Channel List? Movies?
Yes of course, click here for Channel List, and for Movies, well we still do not have the list, but there are like 4,000 Movies in the VOD (Movie on Demand), All Movies are in 720p HD, in English and Spanish (Subtitled), and yes we have always the latest, really? YEAH! if its on the cinema, or just got out of it, probably we have it, or will have it really soon, we update our Movies daily, or every 3 days, all of them from 2015, 2016 and 2017! Always the best, and some of ALL THE TIMES BEST movies too, those good old classics.

3- What Internet should i have?
Please get a good Internet (20mbps or more), or you'll have bad service, unless we are working on the system to give you a better service.

4- Where can i get help, something is not working right with my service?
Please ask on open forums, so everyone can help and contribute, we will try to respond to all your questions asap.

5- What BOX, and other devices can be used along with my service?
You can use a MAG254 Box which is cheap and good, and we recommend it. You can also use our service with KODI in your TV or Apple TV, etc, Smart TVs, other IPTV boxes. Yes use our affiliate link above, help us pay for beers.

Ok, you have gotten your MAG254 box shipped to your house and you just purchased the service at one of our official sites.

Please go to STEP 3 now, remember STEP 3 is the most technical of all. Please be patience and follow it slowly so everything goes right.