Stb blocked message


New member
Oct 4, 2019
yes i do
I have the stb blocked message in all my 3 android stb. I did a reboot in modem, wifi repeaters and all 3 stb, reinstalled the stb emu app, but the problem continues. any suggestion will be appreciated.
go to service website and log on your code
Check your info there to ensure the server URL is still same and MACs are still showing correct.
Perform an IPTV Reset there on that website.
Step by step, this all i done:
1. Rebooted modem, wifi repeater and stb.
2. I performed an iptv reset from the web page
3. I use a dummy MAC number for each of the routes, apply, and then i changed again to the real route.
4. I switched the route in each stb, alternating each one, an then "apply"
5. Several times a clear the stb emu app and I rewrite the profile info.
6. Combinations of all above.
Results: "STB Blocked, STB Blocked" etc.
So, there's any other solution?
I'm using (3) X88 Pro Android 9.0