Stalker pvr/IPTV

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Wondering if the new IPTV video addon can be used at the same time as PVR Stalker.
No using the same Mac on 2 devices at once will get you banned! If you want to use multiple devices at the same time you need a donation for each box.. I wouldn't suggest messing around with it! Sooner or later you will get caught if you do it
You need to disable the PVR Stalker if you want to use the IPTV Stalker add-on with the same device info, mac and donation number. PVR Stalker continually checks its connection, even though you might not be using it, and if IPTV Stalker is in use, the PVR Stalker will start to nag you about losing connection. This is already in the instructions for the IPTV Stalker.
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