Sorted and connected


New member
Jun 15, 2015
yes i do
got my Mag 254 today followed instructions and am now connected to the trial server, everything good so far.

when the server goes to pay, will you have payment instructions here or will it be invite only?


yup still free but would like the real thing will have hd then i hope all i can say is soon but been saying that few weeks now
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In this day and age my friends, "Soon" can mean hours, days, weeks, or even months! LOL! Just my humble opinion, but I look for things to be going by football season. Isn't that the way it always seem to work? Gotta have HD football! :D
No free lunch , if you want to be sure I guess you know where you have to pay to get certainly what you want . In the food bank nobody has the right to complain about the quality and taking what is available. Polite is when you decide to get something for free to thank the donor.