Hello all
first of all I am a dyslexic autodidact so please forgive my incorrect grammar/spelling never the less i am here to ask some question as i find myself in a rather lucky kind of situation where i will be building a LTEa Ca network in a country that is (approx) 24kmx7km population 66,000. Of course i have heard of IPTV but have never bothered with it, as TV is not normally the way i spend my time. So my system that i will be installing (well my CTO) will offer mobile network, VOIP and of course TV packages all streamed via our network. How do i achieve this when I know nothing about IPTV so here i am and do hope that some of you kind people can see fit as to spend some time with me helping or even maybe getting on board with our mission. Our speed is T1 our latency is 122ms and it is a KU-band
first of all I am a dyslexic autodidact so please forgive my incorrect grammar/spelling never the less i am here to ask some question as i find myself in a rather lucky kind of situation where i will be building a LTEa Ca network in a country that is (approx) 24kmx7km population 66,000. Of course i have heard of IPTV but have never bothered with it, as TV is not normally the way i spend my time. So my system that i will be installing (well my CTO) will offer mobile network, VOIP and of course TV packages all streamed via our network. How do i achieve this when I know nothing about IPTV so here i am and do hope that some of you kind people can see fit as to spend some time with me helping or even maybe getting on board with our mission. Our speed is T1 our latency is 122ms and it is a KU-band