Update: Hi guys
as i also have this Mag TV app and i just try to start using iptv box, i have Mygica 1800e.
in STB srtting i select STB Model "mag 250"
in portal settings area 1st item is portal URL i put portal URL "http://11.iptvrocket.tv"( above in this post Zues29 give me the tip but it did not work, as i am using "Mag tv" app not the Kodi................... ti think it is above maintion tip is for Kodi setting......... i donot know ........please help.
2nd item in portal setting area is "portal is internal" what the hak is this i have no idea, i leave it as is un checked.
3rd item in portal setting area is "internal portal URL" i did not put any thing in it?
4th item in portal setting area is "select portal start file" (select portal main file{index.html or another}....i have no idea what to do with this
as per 85146 member(above post reply) i try to change setting in device ID area of profile. but nothing is coming. only i have blue screen and loading bar.
PLEASE HELP if any one know how to make it work thx.