On an android box, just how would you remove a "source" when in-fact it didn't install. All the repositories indicate 0kb., Clicking on the source doesn't show "information".
i take it you are talking in file manager?just bring on the content menu and click on remove.....hold down your select button or your ok button on your remote to bring it up.or if u are using a key board press the c key
i take it you are talking in file manager?just bring on the content menu and click on remove.....hold down your select button or your ok button on your remote to bring it up.or if u are using a key board press the c key
Maybe I didn't make myself clear. I added two addons in Kodi 17.6 which I later found out are no longer available (for whatever reason) They are in my Root Directory along with fusion, etc. They show 0b. Is there a way to delete these entries? I located the file manager but nothing that says content menu.
In File MGR, I see various sources which I have added. Two of them, I wish to delete. When I click on either of them the connected repositories appear and so on. There is never any method displayed that will let me delete them. It's almost like nothing ever loaded but the directory is sti8ll showing. Case in point if I add on another source of the same name, all I will get is xxxxxxx(2). It will not overwrite the original.
IF you only have a remote all you do is go to kodi then to file manager scroll down to the source you want to remove.(do NOT click on it)if your remote has a button that has 3 lines on it just press that and it should bring up the content box if it does not have that button then just press and hold down the ok button and that will bring up a content box scroll down to remove source and CLICK on that.
if you have a remote with a key board on it or a key board connected to your box,all you do is go to kodi then to file manager scroll down to the source you want to remove.(do NOT click on it)just hit the C button on your key board and that will bring up a content box scroll down to remove source and CLICK on that.