• The Sticky threads for the Dreamlink T3 and the Formuler Z8 devices can be shared.
    These devices are exact same devices, all except their name and gift boxing.
  • I see people with this MAC issue often.
    The thing is that the service wants the MAC of the IPTV application that the device is using to connect to the service and not the actual device's MAC
    The IPTV application would be the DOL or MOL application and it's MAC will always starts with 00:1a:79
    If you noticed that the device's MAC and the IPTV MAC (DOL or MOL) have the same last 6 digits, but the first 6 are different. The first six is what tells the server to recognize the MAC. It will not recognize the device's MAC since it does not begin with 00:1a:79 ... nor does the device itself connect to the service, the DOL or MOL does.

Recording on the T3

Firmware Update ***

Would anyone have knowledge if the T3 is able to record directly to a computer or NAS system?

This may require a software setup ?
I do not think it has the required code in the firmware, to communicate over a network, only to save data locally to USB drive (or uSD card t1-2).
here is the instructional videos from DL;

New Beta firmware released which may facilitate your needs!