PVR Clients - difference and epg-ninja compatibility


New member
May 8, 2016
yes i do
Hi ,
could someone please tell me whats the difference between the PVR Clients:
  • IPTV PVR Simple Client
  • Stalker Client
  • Stalker Client NFPS ?

As far as I know from reading here, those are not to be used at the same time as the IPTV Stalker Video Add-on because of authentication etc.

Is the Stalker Client NFPS working with the epg.ninja Service and do I need both when using this client ? (or is the ninja.epg integrated - think I read this somewhere?)

Overall a possible setup for IPTV with EPG on Kodi would be:
IPTV PVR Simple Client OR Stalker Client AND EPG.Ninja Updater (AND IPTV Stalker Video Addon disabled)

Thanks for your help!