IPTV66 Problem register

IPTV66 Help here!
Any help would be highly appreciated. Tried everything without luck.. configuration website doesnt let me update my mac address into the system.

Unable to update is the msg that i receive.
This requires just a bit of reading before you jump in and buy and please don't take this the wrong way ;) you need to follow the instructions that are posted above in the sticky's.. This is why you can't get it to work!

Also read this thread:


Your MAC address must start with what was shown.. If you are running Kodi or a STB emulator it must start with 00:1A:78:xx:xx:xx

With this type for service it does require a bit of research unfortunately or you end up missing a couple big steps. I hope this will get you up and running now!
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Indeed i've skipped a few steps there... thanks for the help. Thanks for the help☺😊

Question: which MAC should i use? Because the one shown in kodi is different than the one of my tv.

Thanks again for the help.
Read the threads I posted and you should be up and running.. Your Mac needs to start with 00:1A:78.then you make the last 3 sets up and you can check the MAC address checked to see if it's use. A lot of new members make the same mistake 😉
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Hi meng

Maybe i am making a mistake. When you change ur mac address, should this be the whole mac address? 00:1A:78:XX:XX:XX or just last 6 digits?

Tried doing both ways without luck keeps telling me " mac adddress could not be updated"

Read everything you had posted without luck.... dont know what i am missing.

Nopes.. trying to update it with the actual MAC, but unfortunately it is not accepting it.. like i said it says after trying in updating the MAC unable to update mac.

So the current MAC IS 00:00:00:00:00
I m in the same position as u. Have to wait 24 hrs to try again and its been almost 4 days also that i have paid for this. Trying every step thats in the tutorial and on other threads without luck.
Hi crazed 2.0

Thank you again for your help.

Im up and running.

Had a view issues before successfully activating it. I just did a full reset of kodi and started from scratch and now its running..

Thanks again.