Potato install error


TV Addicted
Mar 5, 2015
I'm interested in testing Potato TV and I am obviously doing something wrong to install it. I end up with the standard message that the addon installed but then it is immediately followed with an error message and to check the log for more info. I dont have pic posting permissions (not enough rep points I guess) so I can't show a pic of the log file but among other text a line says "IOError: (2, 'No such file or directory /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.potatoTV/foreign" and then the screen is cut off and cant see anymore of the log text. Im assuming a necessary file doesnt exist.
So, my setup is a Mygica 1900 running android 5.1 and Kodi 17.1. I have used Stalker in the past for LiveTV but for the last few months have been using the MagTV STB Emu and Perfect Player.
To install Potato I tried adding the repo as a new source but it didnt load anything so I downloaded the repo directly and installed the repo from the zip. I then attempt to add the Potato addon but get the error message. I have tried the install several times with different configurations ie PVR IPTV Simple Client enabled, all PVR clients disabled, cleared data and rebooted after each change to the config but still nothing. I made sure Kodi is updated but nada. Obviously Im missing something which is probably pretty obvious but for the life of me cant see it. Any thoughts? Is the repo not installing in the right directory?
thanks for the help mate :)

I've already replied OP's question

I'm sure OP was still running the older version of my addon
the latest one has the patch for the missing path issue
Yep, all fixed and running great. The install guide posted by Kens was the missing link - directly downloading the addon from mediafire. Thx to all for the assistance and props to Couch for the awesome work on this.
Yep, all fixed and running great. The install guide posted by Kens was the missing link - directly downloading the addon from mediafire. Thx to all for the assistance and props to Couch for the awesome work on this.

congrats mate :)

fyi, the mediafire link is the earlier version of my addon

if you dare, I will challange you to install the latest one from my repo
you can use the amazing video tutorial by cronicpain as the reference