i keep getting rejected by bitcoin tried visa and master card but bitcoin keeps rejecting me any one else having this problem? guess will have to find a reseller
Could be when you live in the US. If you live north of 49 it's not as easy as your videos and other posts show. Why do I need all this harassment just trying to pay for this product anyway? According to some other posts I've read on this site, bitcoin isn't all that safe. Somebody got picked up for child porn paying by bitcoin, so it's not safer than regular credit card as far as I'm concerned.
Thanks for all the prior years of help, at least until you come up with a payment plan for seniors.
LMAO... You @tri-oops revive a thread almost 17 months later and don't even put in all the Info...!!! WTG Slick...!!
Sure they did.They successfully spammed.Instead of reporting it you decided to make fun of the spammer.
Welcome to IPTVTalk typhil01.
Almost 4got...
09-25-2021, 11:39 PM :