Nothing Working


Electromagnetic Wrangler Extraordinaire
Jan 15, 2015
I have 2 boxes, 1 with KODI 18.4 and the other
with KODI 17.6.
The problem is none of the add ons work!
Could somebody tell me where I can find 3 working
addons for the 18.4 & 17.6
Yes, and I hear it is Loaded with Working Add-ons that are constantly being Up-dated, Deleted if no longer working and Replaced with more working Ones...! For Me Own Personal Use, it is Loaded with too much...!
Just do like You do when Installing a Add-on with a couple of extra moves...


Step by Step, Use the Version for Firestick as it is a Tad Smaller which gives One more Room to Work Easier...!
add ons

I only had 3 add-ons on the box with KODI 18.5, is there any
way to fix them?????
Genesis, Exodus Redux & Clown Replica
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I only had 3 add-ons on the box with KODI 18.5, is there any
way to fix them?????
Genesis, Exodus Redux & Clown Replica
Long click (click and hold for 1 sec.) each Addon, then click Information, then click update.
If there is a newer version, install it.

Otherwise Google the addon, and see if there is an alternate source, or repository.
*There has been a concerted effort lately, to shutdown all related resolver sources.

You can try this Android app.
Download link;
***Don't click the link at top of page. Scroll down to the links for different platforms, and click Android.
When One goes thru the Video Add-on List, place the Cursor(Mouse) over an Add-on and Click OK and Hold until a window opens with Options...

Click - Information, another Window will Open with more Options... Look at the list, if Auto Update has a Green or Blue Dot to the Right of it, Click it so it isn't Lit...

Go to "Update" and Click it, another Window should open> This will give a list of possible Repos that the Add-on is in, find the one with the latest Version Number, if there are more than one available, click the Top One and after a sec or two One would/should see an Add-OnUpdated msg either in the bottom Right-hand Corner or even in the Upper Right-Hand Corner...!

If the the window shows a list of Options, look and find OK on the screen and Click it... Again, it should show Add-on Updated...! If it gives One a small Circle with an "X" inside, just wait a tad longer...!

Try the Add-On and see if it works, if it doesn't go back to the steps and try other options...