no epg on mag

01 NOV 2016

Issue: EPG Missing In Action / Down Again (Has been M.I.A. since Sunday, 30 OCT 2016, on most channels):(
Portal: 1, 2 & 4 (NFPS)
Device: 3 Mag254 STB's, 3 Different Geo Locations, All on r14, All hard-Wired, All Have Same Missing EPG Issue
Speed: 20-50Mbps

As always, thanks to psycon and the crew for their continued assistance in providing the EPG / Guide Services at all, across numerous devices/platforms.;)
02 NOV 2016

Same amount of warm or cold restarts of MAG254 STB, or Portal Restarts/Device Reboots , nor any/all communications equipment restarts (power off/on cycles) has brought back the EPG on 3 MAG254 STB's in different geo locations, all hard-wired, since Sunday, 30 OCT. There's only been the occasional channel, here and there, since Sunday (30 OCT) that has any EPG data, but the majority of channels still don't have any EPG/Guide data.
I saw an announcement elsewhere that "they", whomever "they" are, are working on the channel freezing issues, but there was no mention as to what, if anything, is being worked on to restore EPG/Guide services to the MAG254 STB's and/or other STB's that don't have access to emulators/alternative platforms like Kodi.

Sure hope someone in the know (i.e., psycon, perhaps?) can chime in and let us know what's going on this time, and why this keeps happening over, and over, and over again. Grrr!:confused: