VOD / INFO NFPS Announcement about IPTV Down status 16 feb 2016

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Staff member
Sep 26, 2014
Dear all,

Unfortunately today I cannot come up with any more excuses: Lately, we have failed in delivering everything we have proposed. I can promise our technical team is highly adept, but I must admit that it has faulted in recent events.

I personally assume all responsibility and extend my most sincere apology for the damage and frustration this has caused to all our users. I know it is frustrating not being able to enjoy of our TV services as simple and straightforward as it should be. I put myself in your position and, as a user as well, I would be utterly frustrated.

I will not ask anymore of your patience, you have already been patient for the longest, and I won't provide for vague pretenses. Instead, I will bluntly explain and hope you understand, that I need some time to repair the technical damages we face, and wish to offer an extension for your active donation's maturity.

It is an understatement to say this will be resolved in a matter of 1 or 2 hours, but I can assure you we [our team], won't sleep or eat in the aims of fixing the situation sooner than expected. The traffic growth has generated unexpected handling problems, but it is not anything we cannot, or have not, weathered.

Again, my sincerest apology for the inconvenience and distrust this may have cause. I will be keeping you updated to make sure you are all aware of the situation and what is being done to fix it as we move on.

Thank you, NFPS and Papiao Team