I was able to try the nova. It works like a charm with no freezing. Activation code has to be submitted in the panel and it will download the mac info automatically. You dont have to type the mac.
Nova2 is a service provider it self. Rocket or any other service is not compatible. And i dont think wer allowed to discuss that here
I believe many providers will switch to nova Middleware but dont know hows that possible
I was able to try the nova. It works like a charm with no freezing. Activation code has to be submitted in the panel and it will download the mac info automatically. You dont have to type the mac.
Wait i was banned ?
* for a minute i got banned forever. What was all that about?
I did post a direct link of the photo for nova guide next thing i was banned
damn i lost the activation code screen, i tried to unisntall and reinstall the app no luck , tried to make it work on my own lol ftw
This thread was to get the new nova to work. Lets please stay on topic. Its in a test period and free, there is no IPTV on this. Its the same as the older version. Now not sure how or why it isn't working so lets hope that we get some answers from Avov on this.