Hi there,
Were NEW to IPTV, instead of the usual 2 line intro, I thought I would tell you a little bit more about our first experience venturing into IPTV.
For crimbo me and the missus got our first Android TV box as a joint gift. We recieved an Z4 OctaCore Android LollyPop 5.0.1 Android TV BOX, it features with 16GB ROM NAND and 2GB RAM and RK3368 OctaCore CPU and USB and HDMI 2.0 supporting 4k. A few days later we purchased a SANDISK EXTREME PRO 32GB memorycard to give it a boost in memory capacity.
It come with KODI pre loaded but essentialy it was just kodi no addons etc. We did a bit of Googling and stumbled across a build called TVMC which look the part and we decided to try it out. After we installed it and configured it we found out about a blog MJD SEO and we was soon on our way to installing additional Add-ons with access to huge archieves of movies and sports etc spanned across a multiple of Add-ons.
Great we thought to ourselves a new source of entertainment at our fingertips. I thought to myself a little while latter how can I simplify this and create like a bookmark of of my favourites and organise them in a simple format instead of having to go to 4 or 5 differnt add ons to grab various content. ie: UKTVHD a category of just UKTV in HD. I did aomem more googling and found an Add-on that claims it can do just this great I thought but then there was the catch a yearly subscription was required of about 50 quid, this is for the TV Guide MetaData which I can already get for free from my FreeView TV, I also pay for a yearly TV Licence so maybe the EPG that FreeView uses is part funded from the TV Licence.
Bottom line is not prepared to pay for EPG metadata. After a bit more Googling we then found an Add-on called iVue TV Guide which included metadata and then all you have to to do is just point to the channel but it seems that iVue will only let you select from certain Add-ons ie: Filmon and NOT the likes of cCloud TV or TURKS which would include HD links. In a way I guess you could say we was steered towards the path of Film-On but only in SD and if we wanted HD then that would require a yearly subscription fee of like the same price of another UK TV Licence.
Again not prepared to pay for something twice when we have already paid for the use of it fair and square. A few days later and a bit more Googling as we noticed a lot of the Add-ons did not work as well as expected and later realised this was because our isp VM site blocking rules, our next mission was to find a VPN. We tested a few out and soon realised that the biggest VPN providers are not always the best choice as we SOON found out. Our worst choice was PureVPN ABSOLUTELY CRAP!, OpenVPN worked a treat but far too expensive! Our best choice was a provider called VPN AC IN A NUT SHELL THE DOGS DANGLERS, fast and reliable and rock solid, slightly more expensive but worth its weight in gold. A few days later we discovered this forum and so here we are signed up as fresh newbie recruits and that completes our first experience.
So yeah looking ultimately for more ways to get use out of our Android box with TVMC 14.2. Seen quiet a lot of discussion about IPTV rocket, NFPS, etc.. but not quiet 100% sure on whats what pros cons etc.
Ultimately in a nut shell looking to pay a small premium for HD content and 4K content too if possible
Thanks for listening to us to waffle on.
If you could point us in the right direction for new content and a provider that has 720p and above that would be great.
Were NEW to IPTV, instead of the usual 2 line intro, I thought I would tell you a little bit more about our first experience venturing into IPTV.
For crimbo me and the missus got our first Android TV box as a joint gift. We recieved an Z4 OctaCore Android LollyPop 5.0.1 Android TV BOX, it features with 16GB ROM NAND and 2GB RAM and RK3368 OctaCore CPU and USB and HDMI 2.0 supporting 4k. A few days later we purchased a SANDISK EXTREME PRO 32GB memorycard to give it a boost in memory capacity.
It come with KODI pre loaded but essentialy it was just kodi no addons etc. We did a bit of Googling and stumbled across a build called TVMC which look the part and we decided to try it out. After we installed it and configured it we found out about a blog MJD SEO and we was soon on our way to installing additional Add-ons with access to huge archieves of movies and sports etc spanned across a multiple of Add-ons.
Great we thought to ourselves a new source of entertainment at our fingertips. I thought to myself a little while latter how can I simplify this and create like a bookmark of of my favourites and organise them in a simple format instead of having to go to 4 or 5 differnt add ons to grab various content. ie: UKTVHD a category of just UKTV in HD. I did aomem more googling and found an Add-on that claims it can do just this great I thought but then there was the catch a yearly subscription was required of about 50 quid, this is for the TV Guide MetaData which I can already get for free from my FreeView TV, I also pay for a yearly TV Licence so maybe the EPG that FreeView uses is part funded from the TV Licence.
Bottom line is not prepared to pay for EPG metadata. After a bit more Googling we then found an Add-on called iVue TV Guide which included metadata and then all you have to to do is just point to the channel but it seems that iVue will only let you select from certain Add-ons ie: Filmon and NOT the likes of cCloud TV or TURKS which would include HD links. In a way I guess you could say we was steered towards the path of Film-On but only in SD and if we wanted HD then that would require a yearly subscription fee of like the same price of another UK TV Licence.
Again not prepared to pay for something twice when we have already paid for the use of it fair and square. A few days later and a bit more Googling as we noticed a lot of the Add-ons did not work as well as expected and later realised this was because our isp VM site blocking rules, our next mission was to find a VPN. We tested a few out and soon realised that the biggest VPN providers are not always the best choice as we SOON found out. Our worst choice was PureVPN ABSOLUTELY CRAP!, OpenVPN worked a treat but far too expensive! Our best choice was a provider called VPN AC IN A NUT SHELL THE DOGS DANGLERS, fast and reliable and rock solid, slightly more expensive but worth its weight in gold. A few days later we discovered this forum and so here we are signed up as fresh newbie recruits and that completes our first experience.
So yeah looking ultimately for more ways to get use out of our Android box with TVMC 14.2. Seen quiet a lot of discussion about IPTV rocket, NFPS, etc.. but not quiet 100% sure on whats what pros cons etc.
Ultimately in a nut shell looking to pay a small premium for HD content and 4K content too if possible
Thanks for listening to us to waffle on.
If you could point us in the right direction for new content and a provider that has 720p and above that would be great.
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