New Donation with Potato TV


New member
Feb 4, 2015
just wanted to post this in the correct section.Sorry i posted this in the wrong section before.

i just got a new donation, I enter mac address on site, i enter the new numbers in potato TV and nothing happen. Am i doing something wrong?
Unless you need the MAC authentication for a set top box, you really should use the donation only method. Clear the mac address in the donation checker and save. You should be able to just use your donation number in Potato TV. Prior to the latest version you might have needed the MAC address to get metadata for the VoD's but that's no longer the case.
Still can't get it. It was working before, donation expires, i order a new one, i reset mac address in rocker checker. i entered the new donation and still it won't work. Any advise on
i'm doing wrong.
Still can't get it. It was working before, donation expires, i order a new one, i reset mac address in rocker checker. i entered the new donation and still it won't work. Any advise on
i'm doing wrong.

Try this worked for stubborn stb emu's may work for your problem too
Go to system settings
Disable Live Tv
Clear Live Tv Data
Go to Guide Clear Live Tv Data

Disable PVR SImple CLient and default those settings ( leave pvr client enabled)
Default Potato Tv settings
Clear Cache Purge Packages clear thumbs and power off device
Leave Device Off

Login to papaio site change mac to all 0's to generate play list....Leave it for 15mins.....Go back to site and change to random mac.....Wait 15mins change again to mac u wanna use....Wait 15mins perform an iptv reset

After 15 mins from last reset
Finally power ur device on

Once booted again
Enter All Info into Potato Tv settings
Ensure IPTV will play through addon
Once it does
Clear IPTV and VOD Cache and Generate New token
Finally Click the pvr set-up button

Reboot Device and Cleat Cache Purge packedges
Upon Reboot Enable Live Tv

You should have a fully working pvr and guide and vod should work within the addon

Hope this helps
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