New box

I don't think I'd run out and sell the farm to buy one but then I never owned one to voice a review or a valid opinion. I don't think I could or would put an opinion based on what you have posted. I would consider any box that has 3gbs of ram, 16 or more gbs of rom, AC wireless, bluetooth 4.0 or higher,octacore, expandable micro memory port, 2 or more USB ports, a HDMI port and Mali 820 graphics or higher. When the dust settles on those specs, I'd be looking at which version of android its running and last but not least price of the box.
cant say specs read ok but need more info many boxes have same specs but really dont mean a thing anymore will never badmouth box but would i tell you buy one eek
Decent chip, but I'd prefer the S912. You want a box with at least 2gb memory and 16gb storage, both 2.4 and 5ghz wifi. Bluetooth is nice. This looks like an old box. If you want to buy and android tv, I suggest you look at all the reviews on Youtube. if you want something that only runs IPTV, get a Mag254 or newer. If you want something that runs IPTV and Android apps, do more homework.