I use Kodi`s playlist loader rather than using someones 3rd party addon!
Many of those addons are scraping the same hosts like vidzi ,vidlox,openload etc.
you can make your own playlist using the html addresses from these hosts played back through
the Sportdevil plugin address
You need to add the html url to url= in the codeline.You can get all the movies and tvshows
that these hosts offer as well as update your sports from working sites like cricfree mamahd by
going to these sites all you need is the html address
(paste the code to your browser)
of the channels combined with the sportdevil plug in address.The sportdevil plugin will do other streaming sites like
Flimon ustreamyx now and then Arconaitv which needs a new regex.
One step further there are other plugin addresses like youtube dailymotion acestream
and shani`s f4m tester which allows you to play back those .ts streams each addon will have a plug in address.
Eventually you can build a playlist that has just about all of the 3rd party addons on kodi
which may or may not be safer.With your own playlist you can keep it updated if any of those html addresses change
the html addresses usually are longer lasting.
To use the playlist loader you need to make your m3u list name it to whatever.m3u put in a new directory name the directory
place on your desktop the list can be any size.In the playlist loader add a new list, name it use the local file option.
You may have to click through the directories to find the directory you made with your playlist.To update the list
add your streams and save reload the playlist loader any updates will take effect now.
If you know where to find iptv that helps too sites like this will help bulid your playlist
there are many like this!