Netflix app


TV Addicted
Mar 25, 2015
Anyone know if there is anyway to tune in Netflix on TV Online? Kodi or by TV addons? Side app possibley?

Anyone? I don't want to have to go back to my M8 box.

Hey ASFT.................Yes it is ready......................

The 3rd party website is up and ready for business ........... Register today and submit your APK files to be approved

hey thanks for the info. I'll give it a try.

I know Avov tried the Netflix app in the Avov1 .......but it was a little bit hard to maneuver around had to use the mouse on the remote (and is a pain in the ass) or a wireless mouse...thinks thats why they don't put it in the Online boxes
I know Avov tried the Netflix app in the Avov1 .......but it was a little bit hard to maneuver around had to use the mouse on the remote (and is a pain in the ass) or a wireless mouse...thinks thats why they don't put it in the Online boxes

I have Netflix on both of my Fire TV sticks. How much different would it be from my fire stick remote(super basic). I can navigate netflix and hulu plus without any problems.