Hello All,
Hope you can help with this. Have a Prosat HD with IPTV add on. Trying to set IPTV part up. I go into Kodi and system info. Scroll down to network and see a mac address which I need to use with setting up rocket. The mac keeps changing every time I go back into Kodi. What gives??? What mac should I be using. There is one for the receiver but I would think that if I have 2 ethernet cables connected to both the sat side and android that the android side would have it's own. Downloaded using the receiver version, 1.2.0 iptv Stalker. Can't find the add on? Looked into the add on area and didn't see it.... Any help would be appreciated.
Hope you can help with this. Have a Prosat HD with IPTV add on. Trying to set IPTV part up. I go into Kodi and system info. Scroll down to network and see a mac address which I need to use with setting up rocket. The mac keeps changing every time I go back into Kodi. What gives??? What mac should I be using. There is one for the receiver but I would think that if I have 2 ethernet cables connected to both the sat side and android that the android side would have it's own. Downloaded using the receiver version, 1.2.0 iptv Stalker. Can't find the add on? Looked into the add on area and didn't see it.... Any help would be appreciated.