Need help with M3U playlist set up


TV Junkie
Apr 18, 2016
I have a couple of channels in my M3U playlist that not in sync with the guide. For example, Fight Network stream is 6 hours behind the EPG.
There is a keyword parameter that whan added to the playlist data will msync the stream and guide.

This parameter needs to be added to the #EXTINF list. the keyword is :


I need to know the syntax to add this command ( do I separate this by a space, or a comma when added on)

The data where I want to insert the parameter is:
eater is :

#EXTINF:0,Fight Network

Any Ideas ?
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That list is created by vlc and not by the provider since in this example you use this one (#EXTVLCOPT:network-caching=1000) and this is created by vlc, as I say in my posts, I do not use the services offered by the forum but to Do a test and check if that command is in the list they offer. You have to download the list by browser and use this command to download everything, then open it with Notepad and verify.

Well, I looked at the list a little and I think it doesn't have it, the provider doesn't implement it in its list.
This is what I could see in the list

You will have to make a few changes to make it work as you want.

#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="NULL" tvg-name="Fight Network" tvg-logo="" group-title="Sport Package",Fight Network
as you can see Fight Network does not have (tvg-id="NULL")
A&E does have it
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="51529" tvg-name="A&E East" tvg-logo="" group-title="Entertainment & Reality",A&E East

You can try this example that I leave you and see if it works for you.
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-shift=0 tvg-id= "HBO_SIGNATURE_HD" tvg-logo="", HBO_SIGNATURE_HD
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Is it ok to leave my playlists as is thru VLC, and just copy this '#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="NULL" tvg-name="Fight Network" tvg-logo="" group-title="Sport Package",Fight Network' into the #EXTINF line, and leave the rest of the Fight Network lines as is ?
Final update for SUPORT .....

I typed in your example for Fight Network, but it would not play.
As it was a long URL, I may have mis typed it.

I took the full url from that Papaio playlist created and entered it directly into my browser.
This showed the FULL parameter list for Fight Network.
Then I just added in the Time shift parameter and put it in my playlist.

Well...bottom line is that version of Fight Network DID play, BUT there was no Timeshift in the EPG.

Anway, a good try, and much thanks to SUPORT for providing the useful information I needed. ;)
Excellent that you were able to do the tests, there are things that can be improved but *&^%^&%$$##@#$%^^&&**(
Excellent keep testing

and just as a reminder I do not use any of the services offered on the forum
Nice day to all
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