Without sounding unhelpful, my first advice would be to return this unit if you still can. If you aren't on the MyGica support forum, I would recommend you have a read on the site. MyGica has admitted problems with these models and are struggling to find a firmware that allows the box to function as advertised. I'm not sure what you paid for it but knowing they're going for $150-200, there are better boxes for less. I'm not dissing MyGica, I own 2 and my 582 works like a champ that's why I invested in a 1900 and Justin (the main mod) is doing his best to help all owners of the 1900 but if you are new to IPTV and don't have time/patience/tech savvy, go with a different box. I can't recommend another brand as I don't own anything else currently.
Having said all of this, if you decide to keep the 1900 there are "how to" posts on stb emu/MagTV setup. Personally however I would suggest you use Kodi as imo it works much better. There are also "how to" posts on this set up as well. Welcome to the forums and good luck.