
Sorry as I don't use that Add-on...! You should bee able to go into Settings or Configure and find that Control...! Good Luck and Please Keep the Site Updated on Your progress...! May Help Others...!
Hi, floder2, a friend loaded up the Amazon firestick, and I am not sure what version that Mobdro is.
Since I am new to this firestick stuff, tell me where and how I can see what version of Mobdro I am using.
However, I downloaded what you sent, and wondering if what I have is not the latest version, how do I put it on my DL2 using a flashdrive.
Explain step by step
In the firestick ..go to setting and then to Apps .....Find mobdro should show you what Ver it is..........
Dreanlink ......put the mobdro apk on a flash drive ...plug it into the Dreamlink box go to an app in the dreamlink like app-installer or Xplore File Manager...or what ever file manager you have in the file manager you will see your flash drive open it and click on the Mobdro apk file.....follow the instructions to install.............hope this helps
Firstly, the Mobdro program is up-to-date, that is it is 2.1.60

The real problem is the little icons at the bottom of image:
A star, for the favorites
An icon which looks more like a Chinese letter
An icon for download
An icon, which more looks like a musical note

The issue is the one that looks like a Chinese letter. When this was clicked the screen came back the way it was, a full screen. So I must have accidentally clicked this without knowing.
The issue is resolved, and thanks for your assistance, floder2