oops another question, do I have to change the MAC address on the donation site?
The MAC that belongs to the box that is in use needs to be attached at the website, yes.
So you'd need to change the MAC at the website each time you connect either box.
But try this.
Log onto your code and add the 4900's MAC there and do a reset.
Now turn that 4900 on and check to ensure that it is working. turn it off again after you have checked that.
Leave the 4900's MAC attached to your code as you have it.
Turn on the 4500 and go into the server menu open the XC API Login portal and add your username/password (which is your 12 or 13 digit donation number).
Add that same number into both lines (user and password).
Add the server Portal URL as well.
Then use the Connect option there in that same menu.
I do not know if it will connect with your code attached to the 4900's MAC , but try this.
It will in fact connect
without a MAC attached ... but try it with the other box's MAC attached to check if the 4500 indeed it will connect like this.
If not then remove the MAC from your donation code and try that API connection again.
The only problem with the API connection is that you can not view the VODs or the TV Series when using this XC API Portal connection. But you do not need a MAC attached or if your test goes well you may be able to have a MAC attached regardless even if not needed.