I want to buy service for a second time,since the first time,the sellers failed to me,they didnt help me to get back my service after they have their system hacked.And i only had service for barely 2 months of a whole year paid,they also didnt refund ,Looking for someone who go all the way helping when problems ocurre,not someone to tell me go for this or that forum if need more help.,if your support is not good,stay away,dont call it support.If youre a good one,many of my family members will buy later on.But it will depend on how you work with me.The first service i bought,had more than 800 channels,which included latin america,and english ones.I wont watch language i dont understand.I wanna use it in my pc with kodi ,which have Linux,i dont wanna use any box,I used the iptv stalker (nfps) with kodi,with a mac address and a " donation" which worked fine until their system got hacked.So if you support me when needed,and have good price for the service,contact me here or inbox,whatever you prefer...Thanks for answering in advance..