Kodi works on PC not on Android or Ipad??


TV Addicted
Apr 26, 2015
I have a Rocket donation. When the free trial ended, I switched over my Kodi settings on my Windows PC and all was well. When I use the same settings on my Android tablet or my Ipad, I get the error message "IPTV Stalker server offline". I am using http://portal.iptvrocket.tv and MAC address 00 1a 79 xx xx xx. I could understand if it worked on none of my devices, but working only on the PC is puzzling. Does anyone else have the same problem or (even better) a solution? Thanks!
In theory, as long as you aren't running simultaneously, it should work... it does for me. Make sure you are clearing cache on the installs of IPTV Stalker before you connect. You can may also have a different issue on certain machines, if you have firewalls, or other peer watchers that you don't have on the PC that could be blocking the connection to the service.
Thanks Dara. I have cleared the cache in all my Kodi installations. But I never thought to disable security software. Mind you they worked with the same security software before the change. I'll give it a shot and report back! Appreciate it!
Well, I disabled my security app on my Android tablet and still get the same error. Then I remembered I upgraded to Kodi 15 so I uninstalled it and reinstalled Kodi 14. Still no luck.
An update: I updated IPTV Stalker on my Android tablet and phone from 1.0.7 to 1.0.18 and all is copacetic again. Now if I can just figure out how to update Stalker on my Ipad, life will be great.
Well, there was a bug in Kodi for Ipad that wouldn't allow saving any keyboard input. Got the fix for that, inputted my info, and got "Authentication Failed". I am pretty sure I entered the MAC and server info correctly. Anyone got any ideas?