I guess you guys are techie type guys that like spending your time figuring out why this or that is not working ... right?
* Just a note of wisdom before anyone is contemplating this, at this point in the rework process!
If you have no reason to run a Beta version, especially if this is your main TV viewing system, why would you.
Even moving to a version 18 Release Candidate from 17.6, is going to cause you a lot of grief as many of the peripheral module have to be reworked.
(This is the main reason for the Beta/Alpha releases, is to allow addon Authors to get a heads-up with req'd. updating, along with experienced Beta testers to flesh out the bugs).
But if you like this type of thing, why not register yourself as a Beta Tester, and provide some feedback, as well as learn some of the guts... (but only if you don't have illegal addons in your systems!)