Rocket Kodi keeps switching back to home page?

Help for Rocket IPTV Server.


New member
Mar 2, 2015
I have rocket a IPTV account. When I open Kodi the PVR client starts and the stalker client version opens on the bottom of the screen. Then after 5 to 7 seconds it reverts back to the Kodi home page? All other apps work. Has anyone seen this before. Don't know what to do. I tried shutting down, then pulled power cord. Re started but still have same problem. Help
The Client loads the channels, if successful, puts a TV menu item on the menu bar of the Home screen. Click on the TV Menu item.
If you dont get a TV menu item, you dont have it enabled in the settings.
Go to System/TV/General tab, very top line, - Click Enable. You should see a message, top right corner, "Loading Channels from Clients..".
If you dont see that, you haven't configured the PVR Stalker client.
Check the Kodi section.
Ken, thanks for the information. This mx box was working just fine the last time I used it. The problem is now I cannot get to open anything to check it out as it reverts back to the home page before in 5 or 6 seconds no matter what I click on after Kodi opens. Thanks rkl340