Kodi backup complete


Dec 8, 2014
Here are links to my personal Kodi addons Backup............ Once you install the backup...you will have about 15 of the latest working Addons in your Kodi 17.6 .......

Download Kodi 17.6 to your Box or computer .install it.............
Now go to this link to download the USBWizard

Make sure you put these downloads onto the root of your USB stick ..don't unzip these files
Go to kodi addons ...install from Zip ............choose your usb drive.........plugin.usbwizard-1.2.3.zip

Now download from this link the Kodi Backup.zip ...put it on the root of your usb stick

NOW..go to programs in Kodi ...........click usbwizard ...it will ask for the path...choose your USB stick.....then make sure you click the "ok" at the right of page and again down below..
Usbwizard will now give you a choice of backup or Restore ..choose restore.......and choose complete (Total)

This may take 5 or 10 minutes ...wait until it completes the process ...........then go ahead and exit out of kodi from the power off button in kodi.....then restart Kodi and you should be good to go.
Some of the addons included are Placenta...Covenant..Mr. Fantastic...Genesis Reborn...ECT...ECT

This is the quickest way to install multiple addons to kodi without using a wizard preinstalled KODI ..that would include a lot of stuff you just don't want
This is much more Streamlined...............

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Here are links to my personal Kodi addons Backup............ Once you install the backup...you will have about 15 of the latest working Addons in your Kodi 17.6 .......

Download Kodi 17.6 to your Box or computer .install it.............
Now go to this link to download the USBWizard

Make sure you put these downloads onto the root of your USB stick ..don't unzip these files
Go to kodi addons ...install from Zip ............choose your usb drive.........plugin.usbwizard-1.2.3.zip

Now download from this link the Kodi Backup.zip ...put it on the root of your usb stick

NOW..go to programs in Kodi ...........click usbwizard ...it will ask for the path...choose your USB stick.....then make sure you click the "ok" at the right of page and again down below..
Usbwizard will now give you a choice of backup or Restore ..choose restore.......and choose complete (Total)

This may take 5 or 10 minutes ...wait until it completes the process ...........then go ahead and exit out of kodi from the power off button in kodi.....then restart Kodi and you should be good to go.
Some of the addons included are Placenta...Covenant..Mr. Fantastic...Genesis Reborn...ECT...ECT

This is the quickest way to install multiple addons to kodi without using a wizard preinstalled KODI ..that would include a lot of stuff you just don't want
This is much more Streamlined...............


Floder can you reupload this again? It’s coming up as file not found, thx!
Well the Wizard-USB link is still good................ I did fix the other one (Backup)


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Am Playing around and Thought I'd give this a Try...! I got the 1st One with no problem and when I connected the USB Drive to the A95X a window popped up on the screen saying a USB Drive had just been attached... Lol...!

Installed the 1st File with no problem... The 2nd File showed "File is not found"...! Would like to try it if You have some time to re-do it floder2 , Thanks...!
Backup File is working now........................... sometimes it's easier to change kodi skin to confluence to follow my instructions..just easier to maneuver through kodi that way
Lol, using the Main Black Screen with the Little Lime Green Robot in the Center...! Thanks for doing the Update with the #2 File in the 1st Post, Tis Appreciated...! Will try on the morrow on My A95X Box as I will be spending the day with Me Friend...! Got Her Old MX Box connected to the File kens posted and will be watching WWE with Her this evening, taking Me Lappy as a Back-up...! Thanks Again...!