Kodi 15.0 Isengard beta2

The new beta 2 for Isengard has been released, for more info and d/l see Kodi.tv

View attachment 672

are you using the ARM or the x86 version with your NVidis Shield Android TV box?

edit: OK, never mind the question, I saw that google store had the new beta2 program, so I wiped my box and added a fresh build

I have had no luck getting the epg to populate using the is.gd/NFPSF XMLTV address

any ideas?
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I found it on this site, has pictures and everything, downloaded 15.2 from kodi, and followed the directions on this site, it was fairly recent as it can get kind of confusing I did use http:// in front of the is.gd, everything works perfectly
the epg is really toutchy enable the pvr then enable the tv via system settings. you will be given a error just ignore it and go back to pvr folder dissable "WAIT A FEW SECONDS" and re-enable it will pause for around 30seconds and then load up. if you get an error again dissable and then re-enable. 123tv the only time its not http:// is in front of the 1.iptvprivateserver is.gd is a hosted site for the xml so would need it.