NFPS / Private Just signed up -- WHERE is my DONATION # ??

IPTV Private Server (NFPS)
thanks .. finally got it...

however can't get it working..

several problems --

I try and set the MAC address to my donation number, and SUBMIT from the form but it never changes - if I go bac and do a search again to check the information.

it just has MAC Address 00:00:00:00:00

also it pops up this message in the area where I would input a new address...
(my MAC address doesn't begin with 00:1A:78:)

I'm assuming it doesn't apply to me because I'm not using an STB elmulator?

WARNING: If you are using an STB emulator for IPTV then you should use a MAC Address under
the following range 00:1A:78:XX:XX:XX (replace XX by hexadecimal digits), or your MAC Address
may be modified without any previous notice.

using Kodi AddOn IPTV Stalker'

when I try to launch the AddOn it say HTTP ERROR 404 ??

I'm using

which is what I was given, and I cut and pasted it into the addon config settings?

what am I doing wrong.. ???
thanks, got it working.

I was using the regular IPTV Stalker AddOn -- NOT the PVR Client like I was suppose to.

MY Mistake for not reading up on this more..

thanks for the HELP!