IPTV66 Iptv66 no fix $3400 chargeback ...!

IPTV66 Help here!


Jan 19, 2018
This is it they don't fix it the shit with this im calling my credit card company and im getting my money back fuck you.......!!!!!!! Get ready i'm getting about $3400 back ...... I will not fuck my customers i am returning their money back also....!
Plus you're trying to silence me you banned my other account just because i'm complaining about this service is not working and not one of my customer like that piece of shit app you have" progtv" watch everybody watch they will remove this post................ That just proves my point. Mag boxes not working ..!!!!!! Or stb emulator.....!!!!!!!!!!!! All usa channels are black .....!!!!!!!!?
your other was banned because the dissing the service was over the top... I let it go since you came back with this new login... but you are way over the top with this post here :eek:

How are you gonna help anyone when you can't log back on this site here ?

Thread will be deleted in 3 minutes as we are not the papiao guys and we do not allow selling on the forums ,or any form of it.
Take your issue to papiao