NFPS / Private incomplete guide listings

IPTV Private Server (NFPS)


New member
Aug 12, 2015
yes i do
if i use "channel" all channels are listed, albeit without epg, but if i use "guide" nearly half the channels are not shown, mostly brit, indian, music video and porn channels are not shown. it's even worse on my phone where maybe a third of the channels show up in the guide. i've reset/cleared data in the video settings, checked the guide settings to make sure all channels are visible with none blocked and i'm using group:all channels. minix/kodi 15.2
I'm not in front of my set-up at the moment, but there is an option to hide channels in the guide if there is no information available for the channels. The channels you are not seeing in the guide do not have epg information. You need to uncheck the hide option to see those channels in the guide.
If it is like my guide on Kodi with the pvr client setup, I am only seeing description on half of the channels the rest are blank. They will work just no description for that channel. I have the epg updater running and have cleared data but the channel description did not load.
That is a different issue. Information from the source for some channels is not available. That is what you are seeing. OP issue is not showing channels in the guide that do not have epg data, and that is a setting.