How to set up pvr.stalker.NFPS and have a Full EPG

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enlightened one
Feb 25, 2015
In the hills
----------------------------------------------------------------Pre Requisites ----------------------------------------------------------------
This plugin is For Kodi 15.x and Kodi 16.x only, Simply install any version of Kodi 15 or 16, then install this OFFICIAL version of pvr.stalker for NFPS.
Get the latest version of Stalker Client NFPS here

You must have a valid donation to use this guide.. Go get one HERE
If you have not linked a MAC to your donation yet, go HERE- do not post this MAC on forums, treat it like a login/password. ---​
---------------------------------HOW TO set up pvr.stalker for NFPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1. Go to settings > Addons > My Addons > PVR > Stalker Client NFPS and set your MAC to the last 3 pairs MAC you linked to your Donation...
2. Choose the NFPS server for your server.
3. Enter Your Donation number
4.Choose Whether you only want a 24 hr or 72 hr guide. Use a 24 hr guide for a low memory device.
5. Go to settings > Addons > My Addons > PVR > Hit menu button on Stalker plugin NFPS and enable.
6. Go to settings > TV and enable
7. Restart Kodi.

If you get constant buffering install this Buffering fix:

***NOTE***: If you ever make changes in the stalker plugin.. or the channel lineup changes. go into settings >TV and choose "Clear Data" and restart Kodi as soon as its done (before it starts reloading channels)
*NOTE 2* . make sure this is the only PVR client enabled or you may have issues connecting.

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Picture shows XMLTV only when it should show XMLTV Preferred (as guide says above). Just a heads up.

Edit: And I am pretty sure protocal is needed for the xml link. Least on my windows kodi boxes. If you don't you wont get a full guide.
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Although you can always try this first.. it may break some plugins. it is recommended to do a clean install with each new beta..

LOL, yes, was just too lazy, so far everything works, i`m going to back it up tonight, that way if I start experimenting too much, i dont have to start over, took me awhile to figure this out LOL, the EPG guide is great
I've setup as per the instructions and the channels are working great. However, even after Kodi appears to show that it is populating the guide nothing shows up in the guide view. Does it take Kodi awhile to populate the guide after initial setup?

I am running this on an Nvidia Shield TV device if that might make any difference.
I've setup as per the instructions and the channels are working great. However, even after Kodi appears to show that it is populating the guide nothing shows up in the guide view. Does it take Kodi awhile to populate the guide after initial setup?

I am running this on an Nvidia Shield TV device if that might make any difference.

It isn't instantaneous, particularly with android, and the remote connection. You can test the connection with the guide data by putting the url into a browser.
Prerequisite : Install KOdi 15 Beta 2 or newer from - Everything you need is included with the Stock version of Kodi

1. Go to settings > Add-ons > My Add-ons > PVR Clients > Stalker Client> Configure > Portal 1 , then set your MAC Address to the MAC you linked to your Donation... If you have not linked one yet, make one up in the format of 00:1A:79:XX:XX:XX (XX = RANDOM hex characters 0-9 A-F - be creative here, you want to be unique)
2. Set server to
3. scroll down and set XMLTV preference to to XMLTV Preferred and Remote URL to http:// (full) or http:// (English mostly) [if you are in a area that does not observe daylite savings use NFPSED or NFPSFD or your guide will be off by an hour.]
4. Go to settings > Addons > My Addons > PVR > Hit menu button on Stalker plugin and enable.
5. Go to settings > TV and enable the PVR
6. Restart Kodi.

***NOTE***: If you ever make changes in the stalker plugin, go into settings >TV and choose "Clear Data" and restart Kodi as soon as it's done (before it starts reloading channels)

i might be missing a line here .. but here can we register the MAC address and donate ??
I can't get the guide to display the correct time on my Fire TV or Fire TV Stick but, oddly, it displays the correct time on my phone. I don't know if it makes a difference but the phone didn't have any previous PVR add-ons enabled, whereas both Fire TVs had the Simple PVR add-on enabled.

The time is off by an hour, even when I account for daylight savings time. I have the timezone set to America/Chicago and changed it to America/Denver but that had no affect. Anyone know how to can get the proper time for the guide on the Fire TV & Fire TV Stick? Great guide by the way.
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