I infectedtrut New member Aug 22, 2015 73 0 0 yes i do Sep 3, 2015 #1 Sep 3, 2015 #1 Assuming I watch , lets say 10 hours per day.. how much data and I using per month?
Z zhuki New member Aug 7, 2015 9 0 0 yes i do Sep 3, 2015 #2 Sep 3, 2015 #2 Well, assuming the average stream is about 2.5mbit/s, 10 hours per day that is roughly 10GB per day. So around 300GB per month...
Well, assuming the average stream is about 2.5mbit/s, 10 hours per day that is roughly 10GB per day. So around 300GB per month...
K00lKatT Moderator- Deceased Nov 23, 2014 6,286 5 0 Sep 3, 2015 #3 Sep 3, 2015 #3 scroll down for data usage... http://iptvtalk.net/showthread.php?44-Upcoming-IPTV-FAQ
N nrules387 TV Addicted Feb 16, 2015 85 1 0 Sep 3, 2015 #4 Sep 3, 2015 #4 I watch between 8-10 hours per day. I did a test, monitored my useage while watching tv, and found that I use about 250-350 mb per hour. Quite a bit less then that chart shows.
I watch between 8-10 hours per day. I did a test, monitored my useage while watching tv, and found that I use about 250-350 mb per hour. Quite a bit less then that chart shows.
mrmagoo62 New member Apr 21, 2015 119 3 0 Sep 3, 2015 #5 Sep 3, 2015 #5 I have upped my service to unlimited from 350 gig a month but have noticed that i have never broken the 250 mark and i use it exclusively
I have upped my service to unlimited from 350 gig a month but have noticed that i have never broken the 250 mark and i use it exclusively