VOD / INFO Ghostland

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crazed 9.6

Transparent Wall Technician
Oct 31, 2014
seems that we have another contestant for the Bad or Not Category.
I vote this one into the Very Bad catagory :eek:

This is about a Mother and her two daughters whom have moved into a new house.. well the house ain't new and in fact is rather creepy.
They find themselves in a fight for their lives against a messed up group of rejects. I think their is a mother and a son in this group of rejects, but it hard to say what their relationship really is.
Seems the son ( a misfit reject) needs to have his dolls as entertainment. The daughters become part of that doll collection and things are not going well for the girls :(
There is insinuations about what this creep does to these girls but nothing is shown (well mostly anyway), but you just know it ain't good. And judging by how beat up these poor girls are, well it is hell for them in this house of horror.

They do escape but then that does not go so well either.
The only part I liked about this flic is the very end when a cop .... well I can't give everything away , even thou it really is the best part :)

Bad or Not So Bad ??

This is bad bad and gets top billing in the Bad category !
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