Generate EXTM3U server/playlist


New member
Dec 12, 2015
yes i do
Hi All,

I'm current using the Stalker Client as part of Kodi 15.2, it's working well except for some buffering and channels not working.

I have an app in my Samsung TV which allows me to load iptv streams via a M3U file.

Does anyone know how I can generate a M3U file containing all the nfsnp streams? It would be awesome to load it through the app and not have to view via Kodi.

I've tried the IPTV Stalker addon to start a M3U server, however, I keep getting the invalid serial number error.


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not for stalker you can't the tokens don't stay active long enough to make a list work..but if you look there are tons of working m3u lists.. search pastebin...messing with m3u lists is a long process so many ya find dont work i gave up on them awhile ago..thats why you pay for this service .. plus so many ways to get stalker on your tv anyways.. the m3u server isn't what you think in the addon btw..the addon will be dead here shortly anyways
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