From Service Administration
Our tech team have been investigating the freezing reported by many of you and all the information gathered points to a problem on the AT&T network also affecting those other providers that use AT&T network to reach our service as part of their peering agreement.
We still checking if there is something that we can do to solve or mitigate this issue at our end.
Sorry for the inconveniences and hope you understand that this issue is beyond our hands but our team won't take a rest until all of you get the stable service that you deserve.
If you are experiencing freezing PM me your ISP (internet provider) name and your current IP address, to help our team in the investigation process.
You can get your current IP address thru
Click my name and send me the needed info requested, thnx
Our tech team have been investigating the freezing reported by many of you and all the information gathered points to a problem on the AT&T network also affecting those other providers that use AT&T network to reach our service as part of their peering agreement.
We still checking if there is something that we can do to solve or mitigate this issue at our end.
Sorry for the inconveniences and hope you understand that this issue is beyond our hands but our team won't take a rest until all of you get the stable service that you deserve.
If you are experiencing freezing PM me your ISP (internet provider) name and your current IP address, to help our team in the investigation process.
You can get your current IP address thru
Click my name and send me the needed info requested, thnx