Are you experiencing an error that your info is incorrect, when you try and Check Rockets at the website?
Even thou it worked with same credentials yesterday or few days ago?
If so then simply go to the website and use same credentials and in same manner and you will be able to log in to your papiao account.
Administration has been notified of this glitch, but in meantime use the papiao access thru iptvprivateserver (nfps) website.
It works fine for Rocket codes, I have tested.
Even thou it worked with same credentials yesterday or few days ago?
If so then simply go to the website and use same credentials and in same manner and you will be able to log in to your papiao account.
Administration has been notified of this glitch, but in meantime use the papiao access thru iptvprivateserver (nfps) website.
It works fine for Rocket codes, I have tested.